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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

10 Easy Ideas To Attract Client Like Crazy - Online

Youve got products. Youve got a website. Youve even got some traffic (hey, even a little traffic is some!) Now comes the clincher for any business. To make money, you need to entice online visitors to buy your stuff.

How can you do this? Well, you cant grab hold of their hands and make them click the Buy Now?button. But you can do specific things that may help them decide to click on it themselves.

In my line of work as a client attraction marketing coach to small businesses, Ive seen many business owners who consistently let visitors click off to web wonderland rather than convincing guests to buy their wares. These businesses may have products or services that are just as good or better than their competitors, but theyre missing out on some key information about how to convert page views into sales.

Relationship-Building: The Missing Link to Online Money-Making

To understand how your visitors online experience can lead them down the buying path, first become?your visitor. What convinces you to buy things from other websites? Being human, most of us are more eager to buy from companies or people whom we feel we like, know, and trust.

An online customer cant look you in the eye, shake your hand, and think, Hey, I like, know, and trust this person!?The good news is that by taking shrewd advantage of the the multimedia nature of the internet and the power of good writing, you can give your visitors the experience of having a positive, personal relationship with you.

Here are some tips for boosting your personal relationship with customers to help them feel an intimate connection that makes them more likely to buy from you.

Before I share the tips. I ask that you make an intention. Intend to use tips that reach you. You are reading this article for a reason.

Ten Relationship-Building Tips

1. Show

Post photos of your employees and your workplace. This helps visitors feel more like they know you.

2. Tell

Add audio clips of you speaking about your products or services. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) tells us that many of us learn with our ears as well as our eyes -- dont miss out on this additional way to connect.

3. Educate

We all like learning new things. Help customers like you more by providing them with useful articles.

4. Share

Showcase your generosity by providing visitors with other peoples articles and links to pertinent websites.

5. Care

Ask for feedback and comments. This helps customers know that youre in the business of serving them and that you take their opinions seriously.

6. Clarify

Define any confusing terms in your copy. Let them know exactly what you want them to do for you. People like to follow clear instructions. When people feel comfortable with their online experience, theyre more willing to purchase.

7. Be an Expert

Don't let people choose between you and your competitors. Let them know that youre the only one who can help them. Write articles, create presentations, and demonstrate your expertise.

8. Be Genuine

When writing website copy, direct your message to one person who represents your target audience. Personalize your marketing emails by using peoples first names and other personal information.

9. Relate

Convince your target audience that you know and understand their problems by sharing stories and specific examples.

10. Stay in Touch

Don't let prospective customers slip away. Make every effort to get them to give you their first name and email address by offering them a free ebook or report. Stay in touch with prospective customers by sending them a regular e-newsletter with useful tips and friendly updates about your company.

Case Study: Tracys Picks

One of my clients, Tracy Jones, sought out my coaching services to help her brand and market a new program in Austin called Tracys Picks.?Tracys company helps restaurants serve portion-controlled meals to their customers and educates customers on the benefits of purchasing these meals.

Like many small businesses, Tracy had a website that wasnt taking full advantage of the internets potential to help customers know, like, and trust?her business. Its a good, clean website, but it needed to be tweaked to help customers really feel a connection to Tracy and her business.

I recommended that Tracy:

1. Change her photo to a more intimate shot that would help customers feel a greater sense of closeness with her.

2. Move her opt-in box higher up on the page to encourage more visitors to sign up for her newsletter.

3. Add a picture of the free ebook that people receive when they sign up for her newsletter.

4. Post a blog, which serves the dual purpose of providing fresh content for search engines and helps people learn about a company in a more personal way.

5. Provide articles and outgoing pertinent links.

Your Homework

As a client attraction marketing coach, I cant leave you without assigning some homework to help your rev-up your site up to its full relationship-building potential.

Go to your website now and take a good look at it. Go on, Ill wait.

Now ask yourself:, If I were a new visitor to this site, would I feel that I know, like, and trust?this business??What could be added or changed to make my experience with this business feel more personal and inviting? (Hint: re-read my Ten Relationship-Building Tips above).

Write down what you as a prospective customer would like to see that could help you make a decision to purchase your websites products. When I say write, I mean write. Get out a piece of paper and pen and jot down your ideas.

Now make a commitment to implement these ideas on your site.

Presto, youve just increased your potential visitor-to-buyer conversion rate. And youve done it without paying a penny in advertising or pay-per-click fees.

It just goes to show that a personal touch still goes a long way, even across the wires.

Jen Blackert, Attraction Marketing Coach, is a results-driven marketing strategist that teaches entrepreneurs how to attract all the clients they need. Her methods are based on the universal laws of attraction. Visit her website at http://www.jenblackert.com and her marketing podcast at http://www.insightsintomarketing.com.make money online
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